I know it's been a bit longer than usual between blog entries, but I was on a secret mission. I wanted to surprise both Shannon and Meghan with Halloween quilts, so that is what I was spending my time working on. For a couple of weeks, I spent most free minutes in the sewing room working with these two pieces. The witch wallhanging isn't very big, but I really enjoyed picking the fabrics from my Halloween stash and putting this together. I try some skill that is new to me on each quilt that I do. This one included more freemotion quilting (which you can't see in the picture anyway) than I've done before.

This quilt, named Spiders and Stars, now lives in Daphne with Meghan. Happy Birthday a few weeks early, Meghan. It is abaout 6o" x 84", and that is the biggest quilt I have ever machine quilted. Don't look too closely, because it is anything but perfect. However, it's quilted. I had fun with the fabric and the pattern. The method for putting together the double pinwheels in the middle block was pretty slick.

Fall break is wonderful. After starting school the first week in August, I was more than ready for a break. Last Saturday, the first day of vacation, was a fun day. We went to Shannon's church for their bicentennial celebration. We especially enjoyed the cemetary tour lead by Greg Miller, Nathan's dad. He is a fine storyteller, and he knows his history of the church and the area.
Check out the Huntsville Times article! Then when we got home, Allen and I enjoyed watching the Crimson Tide win. Not a pretty win, but a win. The best part of the vacation has to be seeing our grandsons. Look at Taplin -- he is five and a half months old, and he is almost ready to crawl. This is the perfect age! He smiles all of the time, he wakes up happy, he loves to eat, he grabs for toys and watches everything, and he makes lots of loud (and low) baby babbling. Such a love.

Bridger is great. He's a challenge for his mom and dad these days, but that is what you'd expect from a not quite three year old. Bridger loves books and puzzles, and he knows all of his letters and their sounds. He talks and talks, and he has a stubborn streak. Wonder where he gets that. Hmmm. Tuesday, we drove down to Gulf Shores - in the rain, through some road flooding - to meet Carol and Mike Gaines and see their new, beautiful cottage. Bridger conned Carol into reading a half-dozen books before we headed to the Hangout for lunch. They introduced us to
Billy's Seafood, and Bridger had a wonderful time playing with the piles of oyster shells.

Taplin is ready for Halloween in Bridger's elephant outfit. He is a bundle. We love his big, brown eyes.

Here's Spiderman, the cowyboy. Bridger likes to dress up, but he hasn't decided what to be for trick or treating quite yet. We read Halloween books over and over and over.

No disquising these shrimp. We picked up several pounds at Billy's Seafood and put them on ice to bring home. They are long gone now. We had them for dinner last night with Shannon and Nathan, along with my cornbread. We haven't eaten the snapper fillets yet, but we will today.

Is that you, Louie? This is not much of a stretch, because about half the time, Louie really is the devil-dog. He can get into more trouble in five minutes than one can imagine. He spent several days at the kennel while we were gone, but now he's home and happily hunting trouble.