August means produce from the farmers. We usually buy from one of our local farmer's markets, but last weekend we headed up to the Nashville Farmer's Market. The choices and quantities are on a bigger scale, and the colors and smells and the bustling crowd are worth the drive. We were there early enough that the day's heat didn't smother us. We stopped at a couple of our favorites, and of course, I brought home a new stash of fabric from Stitcher's Garden. Got to have something to show for the trip! I have more stash than time, but ooooh, I love having it. Most of what I bought was reproduction 1800's fabric.
I have finished several projects lately. This one is on its way to North Carolina for my great-nephew. He was born at just over three pounds, but he's been home for a couple of weeks and topped five pound this week. It is so hard for me to get something in the mail. Don't know why. It is one of the very few things that I procrastinate at doing, so the quilt sat washed, folded, and packaged on the dining room table until Saturday. I hope they like it. The picture here looks blurry, but the yellow and black are really crisp and fresh looking. The backing is black and white letter fabric. Perfect for a baby boy, I think.
This one was a fun project. The Gee's Bend Quilters from Alabama made -- still do make -- quilts from fabric at hand, and they make them without bought patterns. Their story is fascinating to me. Allen and I saw a showing of their work last summer at the Denver Art Museum. This quilt is from a kit (and it's the only kit I've ever made) from Windham fabrics. I made the top last winter, but I didn't have the backing. I really wanted the hand dyed fabric that would match, so I waited. When it came a couple of weeks ago, it was the first quilt I quilted on my new Aurora 440. I used the walking foot, so nothing new there, but I also used the Plexiglas table that extends the surface of the sewing area since my machine sits on a table rather than inside a cabinet. I got it in Knoxville a couple of weeks ago when we went to Gina's Bernina for my first class on the new machine. I learned a few tidbits and we had such a great day. We're going back in October for more classes and more knife shopping for Allen. Talk about a humongous store. Even Allen was overwhelmed.
I finished this little guy too. He is a wool felt pincushion about 4" x 6" that I started a few weeks ago when I hosted a Craft Night for Shannon, a couple of her work colleagues and my blog buddy Anne who lives here in the Huntsville area. We had such fun that night! Everyone went home with a project ready to finish. I hope we get together again soon.
And Ozzie?
On a quilt... or
or between my feet. Actually, he loves, loves, loves his buddy Allen.
With all the finishing, what's new? Hmmmmm. A couple of big things. One big one is a new school year. I'm back at school (and since Allen braves the heat and humidity to walk him), Ozzie spends lots of time with Allen. Back to work and keeping up with my school web site. Well, we have to pay for the hobbies, the vacations, the pug, spoiling the grandchildren somehow, right?