Meghan and Justin and the boys were here for Thanksgiving. Meghan's big news was that she was named Teacher of the Year at her school, George Hall Elementary in Mobile. Um, proud parents? Yes. Tomorrow night, they will be here for dinner and exchanging gifts. I am looking forward to spending this week with our grandsons. I made Bridger a quilt for his sixth birthday last month.
Thanksgiving was grand with all three grandchildren. Christmas promises to be an active time with the boys here! Yeah!
I've gotten several projects ready for the holidays. First, there is Georgia's patchwork stocking.
Next is a wool felt candle mat that I put together over the Thanksgiving weekend. I used my Sizzix die cutter and just added some embroidery and red beads for berries.
I had so much fun with the candle mat that I went back to the Sizzix and used the swirl cut out to put together a Christmas tree. Then I added a couple of batik borders and a bit of stitch in the ditch quilting, and I have a wall hanging.
I found my old doll cradle in the attic. Actually, I think it was my mom's first. It was painted a sad pink and needed some TLC to bring it back to life. Allen took it apart and painted it, and I made a new mattress and pillow. But the most fun, of course, was making a little red and green Christmas doll quilt for it. I think it is going to stay under my cutting table for now, at least until Georgia is ready to play with it. There are a little dresser and a doll rocker in the attic still. Hmmm.
I made a little bird and bell Christmas tree. The ornament idea was in Shannon's Stitch, Craft, Create magazine, a design by her friend and co-worker Courtney. Well, not really co-worker since Shannon has started a new job as the Marketing Director for the Huntsville Hospital Foundation. Yes, she has some proud parents.
My sewing room and quilting are good therapy!
Today, I was in the kitchen baking some sugar cookies for tonight's get-together. Leg lamp cookies - Major Award from The Christmas Story.
The tree (a new, slightly smaller tree) is trimmed. The stockings are hung by the chimney with care. Merry Christmas to all!