Louie celebrates his pug life on a daily basis! He really does bask in all of the attention he gets when we are both home. His idea of a perfect day is walk, eat, pester his people while they try to read the paper, rest on the people bed, steal stuff, walk and visit the neighborhood dogs, sit on one lap, sit on another (he's on my lap while I'm typing this), walk, sit on a lap, play with toys, eat, walk, chew a chew, and go to bed to rest up for the next day of dogdom. Louie has quite the life.

Saturday was a picture perfect day. We celebrated our thirty-third anniversary with a drive up to Fayetteville, Tennessee to their Host of Christmas Past weekend. The trees are unusually vibrant this year. We always miss the midwest fall colors in Missouri, but not this year.

This holly tree makes it obvious that we are heading toward the Christmas season already. We did a tiny bit of Christmas shopping at the Ten Thousand Village sale, and we browsed a couple of antique stores, but then it was time to get home for the Alabama-LSU rivalry game. Roll Tide! We had another win to celebrate after a nail-biter of a game.

No school today due to Veterans Day. Novemeber is a great month for days off. Last week, school was closed on Election Day (and what a celebration that evening!!), this week for Veterans Day, then three days off Thanksgiving week. Allen's busy working at home, but I am celebrating my day off with some sewing projects. Last year, Shannon gave me this fun book for Christmas, and I decided to put together the little "Bluebird of Happiness" Christmas ornament like the little stuffed guys on the cover.

Louie's helping. The big project underway is layering the quilt top I've finished and starting the quilting on it.