Louie is ready for Christmas. He's been helping me in the kitchen and watching for the mailman and delivery trucks. Our mail(wo)man has been giving Louie treats when she sees him outside walking. Now he waits for her and thinks all trucks must be for him. He was watching me make dessert to take to Shannon's for Christmas Eve.

I found him sitting under the table looking up at the finished cookies (made with my mom's old cookie cutters). They have been safely relocated to a higher dog-proof counter. Tough luck, Louie, but maybe there is something in your stocking.

And indeed, the stockings are hung. Left to right, they belong to Meghan, Taplin, Justin, Bridger, LOUIE, Allen, Shannon, Jean, and Nathan. Mine is the one my mom made when I was a child, and my brother had a matching one. Allen's Scrooge stocking is appropriate, don't you think? Nathan -- now how did he end up with the biggest one? Louie has been sniffing the toe of Nathan's. We can't let Louie out of our sight. Thanks to Mr. Pug I've re-wrapped a few more presents from under the tree. Wait until he has little boy toys to steal once Bridger and Taplin are here tomorrow night.
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