I hate how quickly summer days slide by. I have a long, long mental list of what I think I can accomplish during my weeks off, but then the week is gone, poof, and only a fraction of what I wanted to do is finished. I don't really know how I have time to work during the school year. Anyway, last week, one goal was to finish the June block of the month for The Quilt Show quilt. I am pretty darn proud of myself for sticking with this since it is fairly involved with lots of tiny pieces. I have forty of the little stars and twelve of the big ones put together. I didn't have to rip out nearly as many times this month. Maybe I'm improving, or maybe it's just having more patience being on vacation.

This weekend I spent lots of time working on machine quilting my diamond jelly roll quilt.

I had lots of help. Allen laughed when he saw Louie snuggled on the stool with his paw and his chin stretched out to rest on my leg.

I won't say that the entire weekend was all about Louie and sewing. Allen got to the range Saturday, and we enjoyed eating at a steak place after that for lunch. We would have driven to Guntersville for seafood lunch yesterday, but it was a threatening, stormy Sunday so we went to the grocery store and had pan fried tilapia instead. Mmmm...summer cherries!

But yes, much of the weekend really was all about The Dog. Louie roved from sewing with me to sitting on Allen's lap or begging for a game of basketball fetch.

He even thought that my porch time was his opportunity to join me for a swing. Seriously, the dog jumped up next to me all on his own and waited by himself for me to get the camera. I guess he likes summer vacation as much as I do!
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