Saturday morning, we decided that life is short. We needed to leave the laundry and cleaning and the work world behind and put some miles on our new car. Shoot, gas is down to about $3.50 a gallon, and we're getting about 34 mpg on the highway. Why not! If you don't recognize the city, it is Nashville. We went downtown to the Farmer's Market first. The colors and buzz of people made it seem more like a festival.

Tomatoes were in abundance, but we didn't buy any this time. We did get green beans, new potatoes, and peppers. I don't think we can eat all of the peppers this week, but we did have one chopped up in our hash browns at lunch today. Sweet, sweet flavor.

Look at the size of these guys. They are sitting in my giant dough bowl, so the ordinary sized ones look little. However, the truth is that the bigger red and yellow ones are actually giant.

The market is in several buildings. We had a terrific fun in the international shop, which seemed to primarily carry Indian spices and foods. Since we ate at an Indian restaurant this summer in Denver with Allen's colleagues who are from India, we recognized many more of the items than we would have. Their prices were excellent, so we came home with a bag of treasure like star anise and colorful mint coated fennel seed. That is typically used as an after dinner mint.

We opted for small bags, not the giant size like this bag of turmeric. I rarely, if ever, have used turmeric and cannot imagine why anyone would use this much unless it was for a restaurant.

Shopping for food left us hungry, so on the way to the quilt store in Franklin (you didn't think we'd skip that, did you??), we ate at the Franklin Chop House. I had beef medallions cooked in garlic butter on a bed of mashed potatoes and fried okra on the side. Excellent.

Louie felt left out yesterday, I guess. Today, he had a long walk with Allen and several other short walks too, but that didn't mean he was too tired to stay out of trouble. While I was sewing, he kept attacking my foot that controls the sewing machine. Not a good plan at all! I tried sewing with him on my lap, but that was just impossible, so I picked him up and planted him on the sewing stool I have stowed under my cutting table. I couldn't tell if he was terrified or terribly proud of himself for being up there. Poor Louie. He loves spending time with me, probably even when I won't play his games, but tomorrow is a school day.
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