Last week, my fun project was finishing two little whole-cloth quilts (not pieced, just two fabrics with batting) for Bridger and Taplin. Louie loves sleeping snuggled right next to me when I hand sew, so he enjoyed the two evenings spent stitching on the binding.

The bags were from Hobby Lobby and then embellished with ribbon on Taplin's and a strip of the quilt fabric on Bridger's, plus a label on each. It's kind of like Christmas whenever they come to visit. That's the fun of grandparenting: being able to do all of the fun things parents rarely have time and energy to do.

This is Bridger's "Time For" quilt made with Michael Miller ABC fabric and clock fabric.

Taplin's is fabric by the same designer, but polka dots. I had fun quilting this one by ironing on freezer paper circles and stitching around them. Louie would rather be on the quilt, but he is a good fellow to sit and watch the picture taking process.

Saturday morning, Louie found Tap's pacifier and thought it was tasty...

...and Tap found Louie's squeaky hot dog and thought it was tasty...

and Louie's ball is fun too! You cannot take your eyes off of either Taplin or Louie!

We all headed over to the Dog Walk at the Huntsville Botanical Garden. Louie and Bridger got plenty of exercise. Both of them were pretty entertaining and left us laughing. Taplin had a nice stroller ride and liked being outside, but the main objective was to wear Bridger and Taplin down by getting them to run outside, and it worked.

Aren't these three guys good looking?

Saturday evening, Meghan and Shannon went out together to a chick flick, and Grandma and Grandpa settled in with the boys to play in the family room and watch some TV.

See? The expedition to the Dog Walk paid off! Bridger crashed on the floor under Grandpa's quilt and was sawing them off when his mom got back.

Taplin and Louie are going to grow up to be great buddies, and it looks like Taplin could grow up to be a famous piano man. He sure loves music. The minute he hears any song, he bounces in rhythm. He likes to make lots of noise with two hands on the piano.

His newest acquisition is his Lightening McQueen car. He can push backwards, but he hasn't gotten the forward motion going yet. When he and Bridger both get on their ride-ons, won't that be fun! I'm impressed with how easy-going Bridger is with his little brother and how easily he shares his toys with Taplin.

Bridger just amazes us with his coloring and drawing and writing. He writes his name quite clearly and will ask how to write names to label his pictures. Bridger's level of concentration and his dexterity are pretty sophisticated. He likes to cut with scissors and do "trafts" (crafts) with his mommy. He likes puzzles and cars and movies and music and animals and books and best of all, from my perspective, he likes coming to Grandma and Grandpa's house.