Louie, you are not all that tough. You think you are a mastiff, but you are a twenty-three pound sweet little pug. Pug thief. Pug pain in the neck. Pugnacious little fellow, but you are not tough. You just think you are big.

Home repair time. We had a little piece of paint missing on the corner of the hall wall, which is no surprise because it is the busiest, most bumped into corner in the house. When Bridger visited a few weeks ago, Allen noticed him (but did not correct him because, uh, well, that's his little grandson) picking the plaster off the corner. After the grandchildren were long gone, I noticed the six inch patch of plaster missing from the wall. The rest of the hall paint was filthy too, so we had a quick paint job in the hall.

You wouldn't think such a little project would make such a big difference. We probably should thank Bridger because the whole house looks better with the hall painted. These are my little elephants. Allen counted as he took them down: 101 elephants. My favorites are the little planters and toothpick holders that have holes on the backs, but the whole herd is fun. Bridger loves looking at my little animals.

Then there was bunco last week. This was my month to host, so I made shrimp casserole and tried a new (sinful) dessert -- almond tart. How bad can cream cheese, butter, and almonds be? Little dessert, big taste, bigger calories.

My personal challenge the last week has been adding the borders to this quilt beginning. It's February, and this is the second round for my block of the month quilt from
thequiltshow.com. This quilt is probably just beyond my skill level; perhaps I think my skills are bigger than they are. However, I am thinking big, hoping I can go the distance. I have had fun picking out fabrics to fill in the gaps of my stash and following the pattern to the best of my ability. Next, I have to make eight stars (eventually a total of fifty-six stars) to be added to a border much later in the year. Shannon and I visited the
Quilters Refuge in Decatur this last weekend, and she is trying out her own quilt! Go Shannon. I guess fabric shopping is fun, but not near as exciting as thinking big and signing a contract to buy a house though. Right, Shannon?
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