Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Quilt Therapy

During a snowy, rainy, gloomy January, I had some bright hours piecing this batik quilt. It's from a pattern in Quilt magazine - easy and quick to put together. I had all of the brights left from other project, or I pulled them from my stash. I did buy the white batik background because I don't usually use whites like this, but the colors really pop on the white. I now have it put together, and this past weekend, Allen and took another happy little trip to Stitcher's Garden in Franklin where I bought, among lots of other things, the backing. Yesterday, Oz helped me (right!) pin the sandwich.
The pattern is reminiscent of the pattern in the quilt I made for Shannon and Nathan. One of these days I need a picture of this whole quilt, but I found it folded on their couch arm Saturday when we stopped by to feed the cat and the fish for them while they were in Atlanta.

January and February also seem like such dark, looong months to me. I am having a hard time remembering what the sun looks like. We had our yard cleaned up recently, and it looks like we're ready for spring - mud and all - but the weather just won't cooperate. I think the pug Oz and the quilting are keeping me out of the winter blues as much as anything can. Hey wait, only about five weeks until spring break.


  1. Anne at Film and ThreadFebruary 10, 2010 at 5:08 AM

    That is a beautiful, bright, cheery quilt! What a treat to see on these gray days we are having.

  2. I loooove it!!! I wish you were my mom!!! ;) When my kids get more self-sufficient and I take up quilting for real, I am coming to you for inspiration! You are sooo good with colors! Looking forward to lunch tomorrow.

  3. oh I love this quilt
    very happy and well reds /yellow/cheddar
    just my style!
