Louie is no doubt the goofiest dog we have owned. He can jump up on the couch by himself (which we discourage), but if we are sitting there, we don't mind if he joins us. However, then he insists on being invited and picked up rather than jumping up unassisted. After he is settled, he wants to have a human hand hold his rawhide for him while he chews. He's almost too funny, and it's hard to stay upset with his puppy puggish misbehavior.

How cute is Louie when he is almost asleep next to Allen in bed?

I'm almost finished with the batik quilt I started appliquéing in Denver over spring break. The border fabrics are from the Great American Quilt store, and I think they are good colors to hold the patches together. I almost finished ironing the backing, but I ran out of spray starch. I already made one trip to the store to purchase the batting and thread, so I will have to wait until tomorrow. I don't know how I'll quilt it yet though. My free motion quilting is questionable, but I suppose I will have to give it a go.

It's spring according to the calendar, and last week with temperatures in the upper seventies, I got lured into thinking it was time to plant. We are going to get down to freezing tonight -- almost, that is. I imagine next to the house, these plants will be alright.

Allen spent a good bit of Saturday afternoon washing the pollen off of the porch. We (meaning Allen) will probably have to wash it (and paint it too) after the next dusting of the yellow junk. The deck hasn't been touched yet, but the first order of business there is replace the grill. I am enjoying spring with all of the azaleas and dogwoods blooming. It's almost time for dinner on the deck, reading books on the swing, and groaning about the heat.

I planted almost all of the porch turtles with greens, but I have a few more to fill. The two bigger planters in this picture are new this spring.

See the new clock above the mantle? I just love it. It is almost exactly like the one in the hall that Allen got me for Christmas several years ago. I thought we were almost finished spending money on furniture at
Southern Reproductions. We don't have many spots for new furniture, but last week we managed to put a new cabinet on hold for a new flat screen (not that we have one yet) for our bedroom, and this week we ordered a desk for Allen. He is almost finished with his bimonthly trips to Denver, and then he will need a place to work at home since I kicked him off the kitchen table.
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