There is absolutely nothing more precious than a little one having a bottle. Pure peace, pure satisfaction. Last weekend, Meghan and Justin and the grandsons came up for a wedding. Unfortunately, dear, sweet Taplin had some sort of stomach bug, and he had a hard time off and on all weekend.

Aunt Shannon and Uncle Nathan joined us for dinner Saturday evening. Shannon is helping Taplin appreciate Grandma's quilts. He liked the red and the buttons, I'd say.

Bubble fun! Bridger likes it when Grandpa fixed him a bubble bath Friday night with the jacuzzi turned on. Taplin and Louie want to help too, but they don't have the luxury of actually getting in with Bridger.

Mmmmm. Saturday during the wedding, Bridger and Grandma made chocolate chip cookies. Bridger saw his opportunity to help and scooted the chair across the kitchen. Nothing like licking the spatula. And the beater. And the bowl. None for Louie, the poor, neglected pug.

Uh-oh. Bridger's fine, but by Sunday morning Grandpa had Taplin's stomach bug. By Sunday evening, Grandma had it. Then Aunt Shannon and even Meghan had it. Poor us. The boys and Meghan are coming back in February so that Meghan can go to a conference at A&M. Let's hope everyone stays healthy!

By midweek, I was feeling better and couldn't resist getting back to my sewing. I am working on a paper pieced block of the month quilt on my Internet quilt show,
To paper piece, you print out the pattern pieces, place the fabric on the back piece by piece, and sew on the lines on the paper. If manipulating objects and using the old noggin stave off Alzheimers, I good for this week, at least. The process really boggled my brain, but towards the end, I got the hang of it. I could never have achieved such precision without the paper piecing.

This is the final product for the January block of the month. I am pretty darn proud of myself. This was not easy for me. It is about 15" square, and it will be the center medalion in a quilt. I don't know if I will follow through for the entire year, but so far, so good. I cleaned up my sewing room after this was finished, and I can report that paper piecing is messy, kind of like having grandchildren around. Of course, the fun far, far, far exceeds the mess.
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