Sunday, February 20, 2011

Gift from Africa!

What a wonderful weekend. Warm temps, fun day trip, time for relaxing at home, and a great gift in the mail!

The gift is from a blog friend, Beth, who lives in Pretoria, South Africa.  Back in December, I passed on a gift membership to The Quilt Show to her because she is a fabulous quilter, and I thought she might enjoy it. In turn, she decided to send me a generous (and totally unnecessary!!) gift from her new home.

She sent four yard cuts of Shweshwe, which is a whole different fabric from Africa. Beth writes that I need to wash in hot water and use a vinegar and salt  soak to stabilize the dye. The fabric has a distinctive odor which she says never really goes away. I am thinking a wall hanging - maybe something like a stacked coin pattern?? I don't know. It will be hard to cut into it, but I really want to actually sew with this. The gift also included an embroidered elephant picture which tells a Venda folk tale. This tale is called the Dancing Elephant  and was made by a woman married to a coal miner. They have five children, and her embroidery work helps to support them. And there was a small silver trunk up elephant trinket or bead. Thank you, Beth, for your extreme generosity. I read Beth's blogs and learn something new with each post.

Our Saturday drive took us to Franklin, Tennessee again to buy some fabric, and have lunch at our favorite, The Chophouse. The big reason to go was to get backing for the baby quilt I am working on for Shannon. I found that, and I will show it when I finish that. She's due April 25, so I have a little time. However, they went to their childbirth classes this weekend, and April is just around the corner. I have all of the components of the thirty patches together. I will finish assembling the patches in the next few afternoons after school. Next weekend, Shannon and I are headed to Atlanta to visit her her sister-in-law and family, and we will have to hit the quilt store in Marietta -- and Ikea. I've never been to an Ikea, but I am pretty sure it will be great fun.

Today, it was seventy degrees and sunny here. I just have a feeling that winter is not totally gone, but what a great day. After Chinese lunch out, Allen watched the race with Oz while I sewed.


  1. That package from Africa was like hitting the jackpot. The fabrics are just gorgeous and that elephant embroidery is so fun.

    Can't wait to see the baby quilt!

  2. What fun to get fabric from another continent! Is it made of cotton or linen? Is the smell from the dyes that are used?

  3. You are so very WELCOME! Enjoy!!!

  4. How neat! I especially love the elephant artwork that carries a story with it. So cool!

  5. What a special gift!
