For Christmas, Shannon gave me a fun quilting book called
Last Minute Patchwork + Quilted Gifts. I decided to try the first project which is supposed to take less than an hour, quilted coasters. What fun! In less than sixty minutes, I actually made two coasters for my sewing room. The directions were easy to follow, and although they aren't perfect, they are pretty darn good. Recently, I have run into a couple of discussions about how long it takes to --- you fill in the blank. I typically underestimate how long quilting projects will take. I think I should try to be more like Louie sometimes and live in the moment. Dogs just know the here and now. If I'm enjoying what I am doing, then watching the clock or tallying hours makes very little sense, doesn't it?

One of the coasters is for my elephant pitcher (water for the iron), and the other for whatever glass or mug I've dragged upstairs with me. When I go downstairs, I am going to work on hand sewing the binding on Taplin's quilt. Based on experience, I have a good idea of how long that will take, so I should be able to finish it in two evenings of television.

Now while I was sewing, what was my sweet little pug up to? First, he tried to eat my book. Sad. However, I took the time to finish it this morning, so it could be worse. He could have eaten the solution to the mystery.

Louie finally decided to keep me company, planting himself under my sewing chair and right behind the foot pedal for the machine. With a rawhide chew in his mouth, life couldn't be better.
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