We have had a string of hot, summer-like days in Hunstville. This is the first time we've had to water the grass this year. The yard looks like we spent hours and hours weeding, trimming, and mulching, but the thanks all go to Josh, our young landscape guy. His and his crew finished in hours what we would never have accomplished this season.

This little robin is enjoying the water.

The porch plants seem to love the heat and bright days.

Oooh - new book for me! I picked this up with my Mother's Day gift card to Barnes and Noble, and I am sure I am going to love picking this up and reading the articles.
The Quilter's Catalog is up to date, easy to read, and full of useful info.

Louie tried to eat the magazine with the directions in it for the quilt I am making out of all of these gorgeous batiks. I actually have three projects going at once right now, but they are all very different and are at different stages. I meant to do this batik on our Denver trip (and I may still be working on it) , but I couldn't resist getting into the fabric.

This is the one for Shannon, and I am probably close to half finished. She wanted lots of little pieces, and that is what this will be. The little squares measure 1" x 1" finished. Don't hold your breath, Shannon. It won't be finished any time soon. I love how easily it falls together, but it still takes times. The third project is red and black applique, and I have 9 out of 12 rows of rectangles finished. Reminder to self - don't sew on black.

Louie gets worn out in the heat too. He likes walking, but when he comes in, he is pretty calm. I put a freshly washed towel in his crate, and he promptly dragged it to the dining room for a nap. He had to store up his energy before his buddies, Shannon and Nathan came for grilled chicken and garbanzo bean salad.

Aaaah. Louie loves laps. Nathan's lap it just the right size.
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