The best parts of summer (especially for a teacher who is on vacation) are the little unexpected things that happen. I have had one of those exceptional days that began with sleeping way later than usual. I think getting up early starts with having children who get you up at the crack of dawn. Then the early hours are reinforced by years of an alarm set for band camp or gymnastic meets or something. Years and years of NPR waking us up for work set the body clock more or less permanently. However, today it was 8:00 AM before I woke up. When I was a kid at home, I probably would have slept away many summer days if Mom or my brother hadn't woken me. Seems to me, I remember some pretty obnoxious awakenings way back when. I was dressed and ready in plenty of time to have lunch with my friend Marylou whom I haven't seen in a good long while. We went to
I Love Sushi and then went to look at the new house she has halfway moved into. When I got home, there were two packages waiting. One, not for me. Boring. The other not so boring at all. Mary and John read my blog and saw that I wanted to fix my pork steaks with Mauls. The sent me two bottles from St. Louis. I already told Allen that we will have to have pork steaks this weekend. Makes my mouth water. I can just hear the jingle, "Don't baste your bar-be-cue, Maul it!"

So why the picture of the funny scissors? After I walked Louie and opened the mail this afternoon, my friend Lynn who teaches FCS (back in the day it was Home EC, but now it is Family and Consumer Science) stopped by to drop off some scissors I had ordered along with her school order of Ginghers. I have never tried using these before, but they are appliqué scissors which supposedly prevent you from inadvertently cutting what you don't want to cut. Aren't they interesting? Lynn met Louie who behaved like a gentleman (more or less) and followed us around the house. I sure wish that
Lynn and I taught the same grade level. We would create some awesome interdisciplinary units. She is a wonderful teacher and friend.

One more unusual item that I ran across and had to buy yesterday (like I need another gadget in my life) was this ring of measuring spoons. Sort of. Notice the hole in each? They are little funnels. Now how many times have you tried to fill something like a salt shaker and spilled everywhere? Or tried to pour liquid from one container to another? I thought for the few dollars, they would be worth the investment. Besides, they were too unusual to pass up. They aren't going to help with current the mess in my bedroom. When I got home earlier, I took off two bracelets made of black bead and turquoise. Unfortunately, I had a not so nice surprise - the elastic broke. I closed the door to keep Louie from eating the little pieces. Who's to complain though, when it has been such an unexpectedly nice day.
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