The Etheridge car history: Our first car was a 1970 red VW bug that we had when we first moved to St. Louis in 1976. It had standard transmission that was about to die, and Allen was afraid to let me learn to drive standard on it because it was so temperamental. Next, we had a new, white VW Rabbit, again with standard transmission, but I did learn to drive that one. I remember the payments were $99, and the car cost $3999. When I was about eight months pregnant with Meghan, someone drove into the passenger door. We added a 1980 brown Toyota Corolla and had two cars for a while, but then I worked down the street at Cross Keys Middle School, and Allen did accounting for McDonnell Douglas and moved to an office within walking distance. We thought it was silly to own two cars, so we sold the Rabbit, but immediately, I was transferred to a school twenty minutes away. It was a pain to have two kids, two jobs, and one car, but we lived.

Eventually we added a 1984 white Toyota Forerunner for Allen, and he drove it for a long time until he traded it for his 1990 Toyota truck. He drives a 2003 grey Corolla now, but he misses his truck. If it weren't for the fact that his office is forty something miles from here, he'd still have a truck, I imagine. What else have we owned? My red Corolla, my maroon Maxima (never did like that car much), a leased white Camry (loved it, but leasing was a bad idea), and then the white Chevy Lumina. It was okay for a while, but then we went to the North Carolina mountains, and the engine was never right after that. We let Shannon have it when she first started to drive, but the repairs ate us up. Back to trusty Toyotas.

Other cars we've bought -- Meghan's first blue Mazda when she was sixteen (no airbags, standard transmission), and the her green Corolla which
still is her car, and then Shannon's Corolla that she currently drives. For me, after the Lumina, it was back to a white 2002 Camry which I drove 96,000 miles. We traded it Saturday for this pretty RED, not white, 2009 Camry. Unfortunately, my car payments are not $99 this time, but I imagine we'll have enjoy this car for miles and miles. I didn't want leather seats because of Louie, but I think I'll cover the cloth seats anyway for a while. No Louie, I don't want hair everywhere yet. The car is not yours, it is mine.

Red is the color of the day. Here is the wall quilt I designed that I finished this week. I started it the day Taplin was born. By the way, Meghan says he rolls over now, tummy to back. He's sleeping all night, and he makes lots of talking noises. His baptism will be July 27. We will be there -- in my new red car. No Louie, you aren't going.
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