This past weekend w
as great fun. We took a quick trip to Mobile to be with Meghan and Justin for Taplin's baptism. The brothers are a treat for Grandma and Grandpa!

After the service, Meghan put together a little reception in the parlor after the service with cake and punch. Great photo opportunity! Taplin has on his daddy's christening outfit. He'll be too big to wear it next week.

Bridger liked the cake part!

Oh well, back to Huntsville and then back to school for me. Some people say that teachers going back to school in July is ridiculous. I don't have any strong feelings about that because I enjoy having vacation begin at the end of May when the weather is so wonderful in Huntsville. Now, it is just hot and humid, and I may as well be inside. Louie stealing a back scratcher and then holding it up, well, that really is ridiculous.
This is the downhill half of the train ride that we took in LaVeta in July. I should have posted it several weeks ago, but I didn't. However, at the end of vacation (can't say end of summer when it is still July) it is bitter sweet to look back and relive some great moments.
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