Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Ozzie meets a real, live horse

Ozzie meets a real, live horse by hsvjean
Ozzie meets a real, live horse, a photo by hsvjean on Flickr.
Ozzie watches TV. He gets very animated and talkative when a horse or dog is on the screen. Oz will even watch an entire movie sitting on Allen's lap if it has lots of horses. So we decided to take him to meet a real horse. He was pretty excited and a bit intimidated by the size of the horse. He wasn't afraid, but he got still and just stared. Not such a tough pug when he's eyeball to eyeball with a live horse!


  1. Isn't it funny when they get to see 'their' size in the real world? I often find the horse/cow/sheep/etc are just as curious about them... too.

  2. Ozzie is awesome! Give him a good belly rub for me, please!
