Yesterday was a warm, overcast February day, absolutely perfect for a hike at the Nature Trail up on Green Mountain. We are pretty good at spoiling Louie, so this week Allen and I took him for his first mountain expedition. We strolled slowly and laughed while Louie meandered from side to side on the path, pug-snorting and snuffling the whole way. He stuck his nose in tree holes and checked his "pee-mail" at every tree stump along the way. His most exciting moment was when he caught Allen off guard, pulled the leash out of his hand, and zoomed over to a family sitting on a bench to say hello to their dog. Lucky for Louie this old dog was an amazing seventeen-year-old who was happy to say hey but had no interest in defending his turf. We saw a few ducks in the lake and even got close to them, but Louie was not impressed. He thinks he is big stuff! The lake was still in the late afternoon light, and I love seeing the trees and the covered bridge reflected in the watery mirror. The well-pampered Louie came home and napped on and off the rest of the day.
Refreshed from being outside, I put myself to work finishing the top of Taplin's quilt. I think I will try to quilt this one so that it is finished before Taplin's birth date. I am pretty happy with it, and I hope I can do a good job on the quilting too. The exciting part is my sewing room. I am pampered and spoiled almost as much as Louie is! We picked up a new mission-style little side lamp for the bookshelf, and Allen splurged on a new flat screen TV. Secretly, he wanted to put it in our bedroom, but that will be the next one we get.
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