Friday night, we headed over to Malbis Mall where we had dinner at Rousseau's. Bridger had smiley face fries and little shrimp, enough to get his ice cream with sprinkles. Big smile for Grandma!

At two years three months, Bridger is a champion puzzle maker. He put together these two new puzzles all by himself. You should see him break all speed records assembling his thirty-five piece Cars puzzle. He decides where to put the pieces based on the picture, not whether it is a corner or an edge piece. He had fun with his sticker book too, always careful to put the sticker down just so. He also loves his books and his Thomas the train.

Bridger is Grandpa's buddy. He was imitating every move Grandpa made. Well, hopefully not
every move.

Saturday, we went to find Bridger an Easter outfit. He will be one handsome young fellow in his shorts, shirt, and turtle vest. For some reason, he wanted to carry the bag and was distraught when he had to put it in the back of his daddy's Jeep while we ate lunch. Saturday was a busy day. After shopping and lunch, Meghan and Grandma went to Babies-R-Us to register and get a car seat for Taplin. Justin and Grandpa met us, and we all went to Toys-R-Us. Meghan and Bridger did the big slide together, and Bridger got a ride with Barney. Next stop was the Oyster House for dinner, and then home to watch
Dumbo. We were all tired, but Bridger was quite the little trooper.

Sunday morning, Grandpa and Bridger played with his Thomas the Train set, and then they got out his new cash register so Bridger could start learning his small business skills. Meghan pried him away from his fun long enough to give Grandma and Grandpa a quick hug good-bye. It will just be two more months until Bridger is a big brother.
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