Louie is my little quilting buddy. If I leave the sewing room door open, he steals something and runs, or he goes for the toilet paper in a downstairs bathroom, turns an area rug completely over and chews on a corner, or finds a stray shoe or magazine to claim. If I close the door and keep him with me, he pulls the stuffing from his dog bed, scratches the door, or most exciting, chews on my foot that I use the control the foot pedal of the sewing machine. I almost never sew with shoes on. For some reason, I feel like I have more control without a shoe. The best is when he steps on the foot pedal when I am not expecting it, and the machine accelerates magically. You can see in the picture that last night's pug adventure involved an appetite for a quilt pattern.
Even with the distractions, the little quilt is finished. It is about 9 x 13 inches made from a pattern in a Fons and Porter magazine. This is the smallest quilt I've made, and I learned that tiny apparently doesn't mean fast or easy. I had fun using up some reds and blacks and then embellishing with red and black Swarovski crystals that Allen ordered from his bead catalogue. They are actually spacer crystals, I think, but I thought the shape would be easier to sew. I used all but five from the two packages, so that is 91 crystals. I think Crystal Pinwheels is a good name for this little one. Thanks for all of the help, Louie!
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