What now, Louie? How many times have you been caught doing this in the last few days? Louie discovered the basket with the papers waiting to be shredded. He thinks he can shred them just as well as the electric one, and he can have a lot more fun too. He does look pretty guilty, doesn't he?

What else have we been up to? Allen is enjoying the new grill. This was Saturday night chicken dinner for the two of us.

I re-potted several plants from the green plastic to these metal frames with cocoa mats. The idea is that the new pots will hold water a bit better. It was 90 , breezy and sunny the last few days. I tried not to make too much work for myself on the deck with too much watering. The front porch is full now, and it might be the day to clean out the herb garden. We've called our young landscaper guy to get him to replace a few plants and do some general cleanup for us, but he's seemingly been too busy. You know, I hate to wait for him, but I hope that means business is good for him. It isn't easy being at the front end of your career. Then again, it isn't easy at the other end either. Allen is plenty stressed about his go-live date, and that stress filters down to all of us.

Well, maybe not all of us. Exactly how stressed does Louie look?

Sunday's projects around the house included putting up some new bamboo blinds in the office. They are different from what we thought we bought, but they are a big improvement over cheapest of cheap plastic ones. These you can close but still get filtered light in the room. The warm up the room decoratively, but I imagine they will keep some of the summer heat out.

Sunday afternoon and evening, I sewed strips and strips and strips and strips for the new quilt. Today, I'll need to iron them and do some cutting to divide the strips into littler chunck. I am not finished sewing strips, but I really want to get far enough to put one block together so I can feel like I am making progress. The pattern is called Kentucky Blues, but my fabrics are reds and yellows. I am thinking Alabama Sunset, but we'll see.

Monday morning for Louie. He looks so sweet and innocent here. Fifteen minutes later, he was running through the house with a remote control in his mouth. Sweet, my eye!
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